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Showing posts from May, 2014

Preparing your car to sell

Selling a car sounds simple doesn't it? But there are some things you need to keep in mind, such as how to get the best price, the rules and regulations and negotiating. These tips may help you to sell your car quicker and for a higher price. 1. Clean the vehicle Really Well Sounds obvious doesn't it, but many people just give their vehicle a quick once over. When I used to work at a Lancashire used cars dealer  we always thought more of cars which came in to us in pristine condition. It is not just the fact that the car is clean and therefore less work for us. A really clean car is an indication of how well the vehicle has been looked after. When we saw a car that had crumbs in the seats it was a red light that the person didn't care too much and there could be stains or hidden problems. It also made us question whether the owner was the sort of person that neglected other things like checking the oil and regular servicing. So my advice is to spend a good 2 hours do...