A car owner knows how hard it can be to get rid of a car that is no longer functioning properly. He may choose to trade it in to a dealer, or he may decide to sell it through private channels. When someone wants to sell his car, he needs to have the title. He will also need to decide if he is going to keep the plates he has or get new ones. He may choose to have the person buying the car transfer the plates. If he has a vanity plate, he will probably decide to keep the plate and transfer it to his next vehicle. When you decide to sell your car through a private deal, you need to make all the arrangements with the newspapers, the online sites, and any place else you want to advertise your car. The owner may also choose to put up the venerable for sale sign in the car window. The for sale sign is the least effective method, but it does occasionally attract the attention of passersby. The process of selling a car is a patience game. An individual should not be in a hurry to get rid of...
My hobby is buying used cars and then selling them on once I do them up. So I have a few bits of advice I like to share here...